Probably the best anime ever.

What other anime features a mix of the best choreographed/energetic/ kick-ass fighting scenes - hand-to-hand, hong-kong gun fights and air-space battle?
An unbelievable mix of comic, tragic, violent and fairy tale style episodes...
An incredible sound track - Yoko Kanno is a genius that can do memorable and emotional jazz, blues, classical, fantasy-style, j-pop and even heavy metal. I wouldn't even consider buying the soundtrack to any other anime.
It quite literally oozes "cool" - characters (Spike is probably the coolest - not awsomest, but stylishly coolest) music, action and narrative.
Hell, it's the only show that has both a "cute animal" character and a "cute annoying kid" character that I don't wish a horrible death upon. And if that doesn't convince you, then nothing will.

Brilliant!!! Soon to be classic

The story starts with main characters 'Maka' and 'Soul', Maka being Soul's master and soul being the demon weapon. Soul and Maka are one step away from gaining a high title, yet are disappointed when all their passed hard work is wiped clean by one easy mistake, resulting in them having to start from scratch. As the story progresses, you are introduced to 'Black Star' and his demon weapon 'Tsubaki' and 'Kid' with his demon weapons 'Liz and Patty'.
While watching the series, you will gain some incite into the characters histories.
Soul Eater is a unique series as it manages to be light hearted, entertaining, up-beat and sinister!!! :o Flawless, must see series.
P.S. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes!!! :o

3. Nariko

- First Appearance: Heavenly Sword
- Hair Color: Red
- Eye Color: Blackish-Green
Background and Characteristics
The beautiful Nariko is a female character that made her debut in the hit game, Heavenly Sword. Voiced by Anna Torv, Nariko is portrayed in the series as pariah who was forsaken by her clan following a misinterpretation of a prophecy regarding the “Year of the Fire-Horse.” Deprived of her royal status guaranteed by the clan’s prophecy, Nariko secretly undergoes extensive training in the art of fighting, becoming one of the greatest warriors in her clan’s history. After eventually crossing paths with the orphan known as Kai, Nariko leads a desperate struggle against the evil King Bohan, utilizing the power of the Heavenly Sword to defeat his armies, and save her people in the process. Due to its immense power, however, Nariko is eventually killed by the sword itself, as that was the ultimate price for wielding a weapon of such magnitude by a mere mortal.
Physical Appearance
In terms of her natural beauty and charm, Nariko is an exceptionally beautiful woman renowned for her long red hair, blackish-green (sometimes red) eyes, and athletic body. Standing 5’5” tall and weighing 125 pounds, Nariko possesses a number of physical features that are aesthetically pleasing, including a large bust, six-pack abs, long and muscular legs, as well as a well-rounded butt. Augmenting her overall appearance is Nariko’s signature attire that consists of sandals, a belt, and a cream-colored robe that reveals ample amounts of skin, as well as portions of her white panties. When examined alongside her plump red lips, soft skin, and gorgeous facial features, Nariko’s “number three” spot on our current list is well-earned, as she is truly one of the hottest PlayStation characters to have appeared in recent memory.

4. Jill Valentine

- First Appearance: Resident Evil
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Blue
Background and Characteristics
Next up in our list is the beautiful, Jill Valentine, who made her PlayStation debut in the hit video game, Resident Evil. Originally voiced by Una Kavanagh, Jill is portrayed in the series as a highly-trained “Special Operations Agent” (SOA) who operates under the watchful gaze of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance ( Characterized as extremely intelligent, loyal, and dedicated to her work, Jill’s reputation eventually garnered her the attention of Albert Wesker, who handpicked the young agent to join his top-secret S.T.A.R.S. unit. The move proved to be monumental to her career (and future in general), and would play a vital role in establishing the partnership (and close friendship) that blossomed with between her and Chris Redfield in the process.
Physical Appearance
In terms of her natural beauty and appearance, Jill Valentine is an exceptionally hot and attractive woman renowned for her dark brown (later blonde) hair, aqua blue eyes, and athletic body. Standing 5’5” tall and weighing 123 pounds, Jill is both short and curvaceous in her overall build, with estimated body measurements in the vicinity of 32-22-33, respectively. Some of Valentine’s most recognizable features include her C-cup bust, toned body, and “hourglass” shape that is courtesy of her wide hips and narrow waistline. Highlighting each of these physical traits is Valentine’s form-fitting attire that consists of a variety of cleavage-baring tops, tiny skirts, and various accessories that showcase the natural curvature of her body nicely. When viewed in conjunction with her long (and toned legs), gorgeous eyes, and lovable personality, Jill Valentine’s “number four” position on our list is well-deserved, as she is truly one of the hottest PlayStation characters of all time.

5. Elena Fisher

- First Appearance: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Eye Color: Hazel
Background and Characteristics
The lovely Elena Fisher is a fictional character that made her PlayStation debut in the hit game, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Voiced by Emily Rose, Elena is portrayed in the series as a former American journalist, TV personality, news correspondent, and love interest of Nathan Drake. Born in Florida during the early 1980s, Fisher is characterized in the game as an extremely intelligent and self-reliant woman with a deep-rooted interest in historical mysteries (a personality trait that eventually places her in direct contact with Drake). Best-described as charming, tenacious, and the “female equivalent” of Drake in many ways, Elena and Nate eventually become inseparable from one another, as they fall deeply in love, marry, and later give birth to a daughter known as Cassie. As one can expect, however, their marriage proves to be fraught with tension and uncertainty, as Nate’s adventurous spirit and phobia of commitment places tremendous strain on their relationship in the years that follow (
Physical Appearance
Regarding her overall appearance and traits, Elena Fisher is an incredibly attractive woman renowned for her short blonde hair, hazel-colored eyes, and slim figure. Standing 5’4” tall and weighing 120 pounds, Elena is both short and petite in her overall stature, with estimated body measurements in the vicinity of 31-27-33, respectively. Among Fisher’s most recognizable traits are her small to medium-sized bust, relatively long legs and arms, rounded face, and slim waistline. Highlighting each of these traits is Elena’s regular donning of form-fitting pants and shirts that reveal all of the natural contours (and curves) of her body to gamers. When examined alongside her lovable personality, soft pink lips, and fair skin, Elena Fisher is truly one of the hottest PlayStation characters to have appeared in recent memory.

6. Quiet

- First Appearance: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Green
Background and Characteristics
The gorgeous Quiet is a fictional character that made her PlayStation debut in the hit game, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Voiced by Stefanie Joosten, Quiet is portrayed in the series as an assassin and mercenary who was formerly employed by the XOF. After later defecting to Diamond Dogs, however, she was later held prisoner at Mother Base for a considerable amount of time (following her defeat by Venom Snake during a lengthy sniper battle that nearly resulted in her death). In spite of this tense encounter, Quiet was eventually cleared to accompany Venom Snake as a “buddy” once her feelings for him began to change for the better. Possessing near-superhuman abilities in the realm of combat and sniper rifle use, Quiet quickly became a vital component to Venom Snake’s mission, aiding him substantially in his quest as her abilities gave the pair a decisive edge over their mutual enemies.
Physical Appearance
In terms of her physical appearance and outward traits, Quiet is an incredibly beautiful woman renowned for her chestnut-brown hair, emerald-green eyes, and jaw-dropping figure. Standing 5’6” tall, Quiet is well-proportioned for her height, with body measurements in the vicinity of 33-23-33, respectively. Some of her most notable traits include 33D breasts, long legs, and wide-spaced hips that provide her with an incredible “hourglass” form. Highlighting each of these physical features is Quiet’s tendency to wear revealing attire that consists of various bras, skintight pants, and leggings (due to a parasitic infection that causes her to breathe through her skin instead of the lungs, rendering high-coverage attire dangerous to her health). As a result, gamers are given an unparalleled view of her body, including large portions of her upper body and natural cleavage. When examined alongside her soft pink lips, gorgeous eyes, and nearly flawless skin tone, Quiet is truly one of the most beautiful PlayStation characters of all time.

8. Madison Paige

- First Appearance: Heavy Rain
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Eye Color: Brown
Background and Characteristics
The beautiful Madison Paige is a female character that made her PlayStation debut in the hit game, Heavy Rain. Voiced by Judi Beecher and Yuko Kaida, Madison is portrayed in the series as a young journalist and photographer who suffers from extreme insomnia and nightmares. Often checking into local motels in order to relax (and sleep), Madison first encounters the game’s main protagonist, Ethan Mars, at the Cross Road Motel. From here, the pair routinely cross each other’s paths, as Madison becomes a key figure in Ethan’s quest to find Shaun (his kidnapped son). Characterized as a somewhat “enigmatic” figure, Paige is both strong and fragile in the game. In spite of her vulnerability, she is always willing to take chances when it involves a cause she believes strongly in; a trait that proves fruitful or detrimental to her character’s progress depending on the choices the player makes.
Physical Appearance
Regarding her outward traits and physical appearance, Madison Paige is an absolutely gorgeous character renowned for her short brown hair, dark brown eyes, and stunning figure. Standing 5’9” tall and weighing approximately 125 pounds, Madison is both tall and slender in her overall build. Among her most recognizable physical features are her medium-sized bust, long legs, well-toned body, and rounded rear. Throughout the Heavy Rain campaign, viewers are provided an in-depth view of Madison’s body on numerous occasions, including several nude scenes as she has no qualms about showing off her body to others. She is also known to wear a variety of skimpy and form-fitting attire in the game, including various forms of lingerie, short skirts, and cleavage-baring tops. When examined alongside her soft voice, pleasant (soft) eyes, and plump lips, Madison Paige’s “number eight” position on our current list of sexiest PlayStation characters is well-deserved.

9. Chloe Frazer

- First Appearance: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Eye Color: Brown
Background and Characteristics
The lovely Chloe Frazer is a female character that first appeared in the blockbuster game, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Voiced by the gorgeous Claudia Black, Frazer is portrayed in the series as an Indian-Australian treasure hunter, thief, and former love interest of Nathan Drake. Characterized as an extremely strong and independent woman, Frazer serves as a darker (and extremely complex) counterpoint to Drake in the game, evolving from her self-centered notions to become a heroic and selfless individual by the end of the series ( Sometimes described as the female equivalent of Indiana Jones, Chloe is incredibly tough, witty, and well-versed in the art of hand-to-hand combat. Likewise, she possesses a remarkable expertise in various weaponry, making her an ideal ally to Drake in his many adventures.
Physical Appearance
Regarding her physical appearance and traits, Chloe Frazer is an exceptionally beautiful woman renowned for her dark brown (almost black) hair, hazel-brown eyes, and lovely body. Standing 5’8” tall and weighing 135 pounds, Chloe is extremely well-balanced and proportioned for her build. Some of her most notable physical features include a medium-sized bust, slim waistline, and wide hips that give her a distinct “hourglass” figure in the series ( Augmenting her already beautiful appearance is Chloe’s regular donning of form-fitting (and snug) attire that consists of various t-shirts and skintight pants. When viewed alongside her sexy accent, well-defined facial features, and “tough-as-nails” personality, it is easy to see why Chloe Frazer is one of the hottest PlayStation characters of all time.

10. Carmelita Fox

- First Appearance: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
- Hair Color: Blue
- Eye Color: Brown
Background and Characteristics
The lovely Carmelita Fox is a female character that made her PlayStation debut in the hit game, Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus. Voiced by Roxana Ortega, Alesia Glidewell, Ruth Livier, and Grey DeLisle, Carmelita is portrayed in the series as an INTERPOL inspector in pursuit of Sly Cooper and the “Cooper Gang.” Characterized as an extremely rigid individual that is determined to bring lawbreakers to justice, Carmelita pursues would-be criminals, murderers, and common thieves with an unparalleled ferocity (as her outlook on crime is extremely black and white). In spite of this rigid personality, both Carmelita and Sly eventually develop romantic feelings for one another in the game (a feat that is made complicated due to their jobs and respective backgrounds).
In all of the games that have appeared so far (as of August 2022), Carmelita is portrayed as an excellent combatant who is both quick and agile. When viewed in conjunction with her tremendous intellect and proficiency in various weapons, Fox is more than capable of holding her own against would-be aggressors (despite being constantly thwarted by Cooper and his gang).
Physical Appearance
Regarding her physical appearance, Carmelita Fox is an incredibly attractive character renowned for her wavy blue hair, dark brown eyes, and lovely figure. Standing 4’5” tall and weighing 35 pounds, Carmelita is both short and curvy in her overall build. Some of Fox’s most notable features include her brownish-orange fur, well-toned body, wide hips, and pronounced rear. Highlighting each of these physical traits is her signature attire that consists of dark blue pants, a brown leather jacket, yellow gloves, and a midriff-baring top that displays her natural curves (and upper body) nicely. When viewed in conjunction with her plump lips, beauty mark (appearing under her left eye), and dazzling eyes, it is easy to see why Carmelita Fox is regularly cited by gamers as one of the sexiest PlayStation characters of all time.

9. Maya Amano

Arcana/Confidant: Moon
Notable for not just being the first female protagonist, but also the oldest to date, Maya is 23, a few years senior to most teenage leads. She takes over as main character for the second half of Persona 2 (Eternal Punishment, following Innocent Sin).
Though she doesn't become the lead character until the second half, her optimism makes her a natural leader right from the start. There's also room for debate as to who her "canon" love interest is; unlike most heroes (who are typically paired with the Lovers Arcana), you could argue whether Maya is more interested in Tatsuya, Katsuya, or neither.