First of all i am a huge batman fan. I was looking for a batman game for many years and EIDOS has just given the perfect game.
This is the type of game i was expecting after Splinter cell, Hit man and Max Payne..... the game is excellent in all aspects (Story, game play, actions, level designs, graphics).
The story starts with joker taking over the control of ARKHAM ASYLUM leaving batman into a trap. Batman has to save and infiltrate the arkham asylum to stop joker from doing bad to Gotham.Not only against joker but batman also has to fight against his enemies like croc, ivy, bane, scarecrow ....
It is a must play game for batman fans. And if any one is looking out for a best 3rd person action game then they should go for BATMAN:ARKHAM ASYLUM I give 10/10 for the game.. so go buy the game and enjoy it
Best game of 2009

The Best Batman Game of All Time

Batman Arkham City took everything that was great about it's near perfect predecessor and improved it beyond belief. Instead of being confined to a relatively small island you are now in a small area of Gotham City specifically made for the scum of humanity. On the surface there doesn't look like much to do in this small space, but the area is teeming with henchmen from Two Face, Penguin and Joker and they're all going to try and kill you at any chance they get. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Long story short, after the events of Arkham Asylum, Warden Quincy Sharp was named Mayor of Gotham and decided that the old asylum was unfit for prisoners. Thus he created Arkham City, a blocked off piece of North Gotham for Batman's worst foes to thrive. He then placed the mysterious Professor Hugo Strange in charge and now deadly gang wars break out as everyone fights for control of the city. Batman must enter the city and find out Strange's real plan, along with stopping his old foes from killing each other.
This is the basic plot of the story, but there are a number of sidequests you can take throughout the game. From destroying the last Titan drug barrels with Bane, to tracking down victims of Deadshot. The Riddler returns physically in Arkham City and has placed twice as many riddle trophies and puzzles in the area. He has also captured doctors and people who worked in old Arkham. These challenges are deadly and requires a lot more critical thinking then in the last game. With all these sidequests combined with the main story you're looking at many hours of gameplay and with new game plus you can replay the game with all the gadgets from your first game and keep any riddler secrets you've found.
The challenge areas are the same as the first game, but there are a lot more to be played and with all the new combat and silent predator moves in this game you will have a blast taking down nameless thugs with an even greater sense of being Batman. With downloadable characters like Robin and Nightwing you have a lot more reason to play the challenge maps then in the first game.
I could go forever on how awesome this game is. But this is one of those games you need to play to believe. It has everything for long time Batman fans and newcomers. With a great plot with a lot of twists and faster combat this game has exceeded all expectations and is without a doubt one of the best games of the year, if not all time. And I haven't even played as Catwoman yet.
Long story short, after the events of Arkham Asylum, Warden Quincy Sharp was named Mayor of Gotham and decided that the old asylum was unfit for prisoners. Thus he created Arkham City, a blocked off piece of North Gotham for Batman's worst foes to thrive. He then placed the mysterious Professor Hugo Strange in charge and now deadly gang wars break out as everyone fights for control of the city. Batman must enter the city and find out Strange's real plan, along with stopping his old foes from killing each other.
This is the basic plot of the story, but there are a number of sidequests you can take throughout the game. From destroying the last Titan drug barrels with Bane, to tracking down victims of Deadshot. The Riddler returns physically in Arkham City and has placed twice as many riddle trophies and puzzles in the area. He has also captured doctors and people who worked in old Arkham. These challenges are deadly and requires a lot more critical thinking then in the last game. With all these sidequests combined with the main story you're looking at many hours of gameplay and with new game plus you can replay the game with all the gadgets from your first game and keep any riddler secrets you've found.
The challenge areas are the same as the first game, but there are a lot more to be played and with all the new combat and silent predator moves in this game you will have a blast taking down nameless thugs with an even greater sense of being Batman. With downloadable characters like Robin and Nightwing you have a lot more reason to play the challenge maps then in the first game.
I could go forever on how awesome this game is. But this is one of those games you need to play to believe. It has everything for long time Batman fans and newcomers. With a great plot with a lot of twists and faster combat this game has exceeded all expectations and is without a doubt one of the best games of the year, if not all time. And I haven't even played as Catwoman yet.

Best game of 2009

First of all i am a huge batman fan. I was looking for a batman game for many years and EIDOS has just given the perfect game.
This is the type of game i was expecting after Splinter cell, Hit man and Max Payne..... the game is excellent in all aspects (Story, game play, actions, level designs, graphics).
The story starts with joker taking over the control of ARKHAM ASYLUM leaving batman into a trap. Batman has to save and infiltrate the arkham asylum to stop joker from doing bad to Gotham.Not only against joker but batman also has to fight against his enemies like croc, ivy, bane, scarecrow ....
It is a must play game for batman fans. And if any one is looking out for a best 3rd person action game then they should go for BATMAN:ARKHAM ASYLUM I give 10/10 for the game.. so go buy the game and enjoy it
This is the type of game i was expecting after Splinter cell, Hit man and Max Payne..... the game is excellent in all aspects (Story, game play, actions, level designs, graphics).
The story starts with joker taking over the control of ARKHAM ASYLUM leaving batman into a trap. Batman has to save and infiltrate the arkham asylum to stop joker from doing bad to Gotham.Not only against joker but batman also has to fight against his enemies like croc, ivy, bane, scarecrow ....
It is a must play game for batman fans. And if any one is looking out for a best 3rd person action game then they should go for BATMAN:ARKHAM ASYLUM I give 10/10 for the game.. so go buy the game and enjoy it

I am not so legendary

By all means, I Am Legend is not a terrible movie, but it is a movie that could have been much better. The concept is absolutely great(coming from someone who has very little knowledge about the book), and the film does start off brilliantly with plenty of emotional impact and a convincing enough chemistry between Will Smith and the dog, who is very cute and believable. The film does look great too, the scenery and photography are excellent and apart from the odd dodgy CGI the special effects are pretty good also. There is also an intense and brooding soundtrack, decent direction and a brilliant, charismatic lead performance from Will Smith.
However, where I Am Legend isn't so successful is that under this surface it has its heart in the right place, but there are moments in the second half of the film on the surface that comes across as hollow. Speaking of the second half, this is where the film does fall down in an attempt to be too ambitious, and in the process situations are underdeveloped and characters fall into cliché territory and you don't feel enough for them emotionally. The film feels overlong, with the ending taking longer to evolve than it ought to have done and the pace in an attempt to explain everything becomes very sluggish. And there is a problem with the explanations, some of it does feel under-cooked. The script is also uneven, in the first half it was poignant and credible, but like the characters it becomes increasingly clichéd.
Overall, worth watching but I couldn't help thinking it could have been more. 5/10 Bethany Cox
However, where I Am Legend isn't so successful is that under this surface it has its heart in the right place, but there are moments in the second half of the film on the surface that comes across as hollow. Speaking of the second half, this is where the film does fall down in an attempt to be too ambitious, and in the process situations are underdeveloped and characters fall into cliché territory and you don't feel enough for them emotionally. The film feels overlong, with the ending taking longer to evolve than it ought to have done and the pace in an attempt to explain everything becomes very sluggish. And there is a problem with the explanations, some of it does feel under-cooked. The script is also uneven, in the first half it was poignant and credible, but like the characters it becomes increasingly clichéd.
Overall, worth watching but I couldn't help thinking it could have been more. 5/10 Bethany Cox

Cult of scary fun

The Chucky/'Child's Play' franchise was the most recent one to be watched and all the films reviewed, as part of me being on a quest watching some of the horror franchises not yet seen (yet the intent had been there for a while). Part of my want to see them was my fascination to see if killer doll Chucky deserved his horror icon status. My conclusion seeing the films is that he does deserve it and is a hugely entertaining and creepy character, though quite a bit better than the films he features/stars in.
'Cult of Chucky', of the numerous and uneven sequels, is one of the good ones despite its faults. Not a film that blew me away and will never be a favourite but it both scared and entertained me, as the main objective for the franchise that is a very good thing. It does not beat the first film, which would have been a very tall order, but it is one of the better entries in the 'Child's Play'/Chucky series along with 'Bride of Chucky' and 'Curse of Chucky'. Despite saying that the franchise is uneven, that is not saying that any of the films are unwatchable, actually found things to like about the weakest entries, which for me were 'Child's Play 3' and 'Seed of Chucky'.
Really appreciated that 'Cult of Chucky' did the same as 'Curse of Chucky' in returning to its roots, capturing the tone of the first film while also feeling fresh that stops things from getting tired. Although there may not be an awful lot of surprises here, 'Cult of Chucky' continues the feeling felt in 'Curse of Chucky' that the franchise had been revived and given new life. There is again far more of a reliance on horror, and genuinely scary and suspenseful horror it is too, than the comedic approach adopted by most of the sequels, which varied greatly. The opening sequence is truly foreboding and the kills are imaginative, gloriously gory and freaky, without veering on being too tasteless.
Yet 'Cult of Chucky' doesn't take itself too seriously, again the same with 'Curse', the wickedly funny one-liners, dark humour and dialogue remain still and there are some dementedly hilarious moments. Chucky is as frightening and entertaining as ever and Nica is a likeable protagonist that one roots for. Brad Dourif voices Chucky as ever with relish and malevolence and Fiona Dourif gives a spirited performance too. Jennifer Tilly enjoys herself, if not as much as in 'Bride' and 'Seed'. Like the rest of the franchise, 'Cult of Chucky' looks great, very stylish and haunting with terrific effects, even in the lesser films the production values were always among the good things. The music is suitably eerie and could really tell from the direction that Don Mancini had a lot of passion and affection for the franchise.
Not that 'Cult of Chucky' is perfect, but the good things far outweigh the cons. The story is not much special, is pretty thin and a bit low on the surprises, though at least it made sense and wasn't dull. The rest of the supporting cast are a touch on the bland side.
The ending felt anti-climactic and rushed and some of the character decisions are rather silly.
Otherwise, good and one of the best in the series. 7/10 Bethany Cox
'Cult of Chucky', of the numerous and uneven sequels, is one of the good ones despite its faults. Not a film that blew me away and will never be a favourite but it both scared and entertained me, as the main objective for the franchise that is a very good thing. It does not beat the first film, which would have been a very tall order, but it is one of the better entries in the 'Child's Play'/Chucky series along with 'Bride of Chucky' and 'Curse of Chucky'. Despite saying that the franchise is uneven, that is not saying that any of the films are unwatchable, actually found things to like about the weakest entries, which for me were 'Child's Play 3' and 'Seed of Chucky'.
Really appreciated that 'Cult of Chucky' did the same as 'Curse of Chucky' in returning to its roots, capturing the tone of the first film while also feeling fresh that stops things from getting tired. Although there may not be an awful lot of surprises here, 'Cult of Chucky' continues the feeling felt in 'Curse of Chucky' that the franchise had been revived and given new life. There is again far more of a reliance on horror, and genuinely scary and suspenseful horror it is too, than the comedic approach adopted by most of the sequels, which varied greatly. The opening sequence is truly foreboding and the kills are imaginative, gloriously gory and freaky, without veering on being too tasteless.
Yet 'Cult of Chucky' doesn't take itself too seriously, again the same with 'Curse', the wickedly funny one-liners, dark humour and dialogue remain still and there are some dementedly hilarious moments. Chucky is as frightening and entertaining as ever and Nica is a likeable protagonist that one roots for. Brad Dourif voices Chucky as ever with relish and malevolence and Fiona Dourif gives a spirited performance too. Jennifer Tilly enjoys herself, if not as much as in 'Bride' and 'Seed'. Like the rest of the franchise, 'Cult of Chucky' looks great, very stylish and haunting with terrific effects, even in the lesser films the production values were always among the good things. The music is suitably eerie and could really tell from the direction that Don Mancini had a lot of passion and affection for the franchise.
Not that 'Cult of Chucky' is perfect, but the good things far outweigh the cons. The story is not much special, is pretty thin and a bit low on the surprises, though at least it made sense and wasn't dull. The rest of the supporting cast are a touch on the bland side.
The ending felt anti-climactic and rushed and some of the character decisions are rather silly.
Otherwise, good and one of the best in the series. 7/10 Bethany Cox

Home of fear

Having been on a roll watching and reviewing gradually over time films belonging in horror film franchises, the Chucky/'Child's Play' films were the most recent to get this treatment. Part of my want to see them was my fascination to see if killer doll Chucky deserved his horror icon status. My conclusion seeing the films is that he does deserve it and a hugely entertaining and creepy character, that is quite a bit better than the films.
The 'Child's Play'/Chucky films vary in quality, some decent to good, others not so good. Don't consider any of them unwatchable though. 'Curse of Chucky' is one of the good ones despite its faults, not a film that blew me away and will never be a favourite but it both scared and entertained me, as the main objective for the franchise that is a very good thing. As far as the 'Child's Play'/Chucky films go, the best will always be the first one. 'Curse of Chucky', for me and quite a number of others, is though one of the best of the series. Would go as far to say that it beats 'Bride of Chucky' as the best since the first and it vastly improves on the disappointing 'Seed of Chucky' which along with 'Child's Play 3' is my least favourite.
Really appreciated that 'Curse of Chucky' returned to its roots and the closest of the sequels to capture the tone of the first film. Although there may not be an awful lot of surprises in the surprises, this return gave the sense that the franchise had been revived and been brought new overdue life. There is far more of a reliance on horror, and genuinely scary and suspenseful horror film, than the comedic approach adopted by most of the sequels, which varied greatly. The opening sequence is truly foreboding and the kills are imaginative, gloriously gory and freaky, without veering on being too tasteless.
Yet 'Curse of Chucky' doesn't take itself too seriously as a result, the wickedly funny one-liners and dialogue remain still. Chucky is as frightening and entertaining as ever, plus used much more and better than he was in 'Seed of Chucky' and Nica is a likeable protagonist that one roots for. Brad Dourif continues to voice Chucky with relish and his daughter Fiona is both cute and spirited. The film looks great, very stylish and haunting with terrific effects, even in the lesser films the production values were always among the good things. The music is suitably eerie and the direction is skilful.
Not that 'Curse of Chucky' is perfect, but the good things far outweigh the cons. The rest of the cast are on the bland side. There are pacing issues here and there, momentum does sag.
The ending felt anti-climactic and rushed.
Otherwise, pretty good and one of the best in the series. 7/10 Bethany Cox
The 'Child's Play'/Chucky films vary in quality, some decent to good, others not so good. Don't consider any of them unwatchable though. 'Curse of Chucky' is one of the good ones despite its faults, not a film that blew me away and will never be a favourite but it both scared and entertained me, as the main objective for the franchise that is a very good thing. As far as the 'Child's Play'/Chucky films go, the best will always be the first one. 'Curse of Chucky', for me and quite a number of others, is though one of the best of the series. Would go as far to say that it beats 'Bride of Chucky' as the best since the first and it vastly improves on the disappointing 'Seed of Chucky' which along with 'Child's Play 3' is my least favourite.
Really appreciated that 'Curse of Chucky' returned to its roots and the closest of the sequels to capture the tone of the first film. Although there may not be an awful lot of surprises in the surprises, this return gave the sense that the franchise had been revived and been brought new overdue life. There is far more of a reliance on horror, and genuinely scary and suspenseful horror film, than the comedic approach adopted by most of the sequels, which varied greatly. The opening sequence is truly foreboding and the kills are imaginative, gloriously gory and freaky, without veering on being too tasteless.
Yet 'Curse of Chucky' doesn't take itself too seriously as a result, the wickedly funny one-liners and dialogue remain still. Chucky is as frightening and entertaining as ever, plus used much more and better than he was in 'Seed of Chucky' and Nica is a likeable protagonist that one roots for. Brad Dourif continues to voice Chucky with relish and his daughter Fiona is both cute and spirited. The film looks great, very stylish and haunting with terrific effects, even in the lesser films the production values were always among the good things. The music is suitably eerie and the direction is skilful.
Not that 'Curse of Chucky' is perfect, but the good things far outweigh the cons. The rest of the cast are on the bland side. There are pacing issues here and there, momentum does sag.
The ending felt anti-climactic and rushed.
Otherwise, pretty good and one of the best in the series. 7/10 Bethany Cox

Deliverance of evil

Having been on a roll watching and reviewing gradually over time films belonging in horror film franchises, the Chucky/'Child's Play' films were the most recent to get this treatment. Part of my want to see them was my fascination to see if killer doll Chucky deserved his horror icon status. My conclusion seeing the films is that he does deserve it and a hugely entertaining and creepy character, that is quite a bit better than the films.
The Chucky/'Child's Play' films are a mixed bag. The best of the series is still the first film followed quite closely by 'Bride of Chucky', enjoyed both immensely while acknowledging their imperfections. Did sort of like the second too while being mixed to indifferent on the third (which gets a lot of dislike but for me it wasn't that bad). 'Seed of Chucky' is a step or two down from 'Bride of Chucky' and my feelings are the same as those for 'Child's Play 3', thinking it was not that bad but didn't do an awful lot for me at the end of the day. Whether it's the worst of the series is debatable, have heard from friends that the films that followed are worse, having said that it is not hard to see why it is one of the lower rated films of the series here and why many dislike it. This is disappointing as this did have potential to be one of the best Chucky/'Child's Play' films if it was as good as 'Bride of Chucky', considering that Chucky and Tiffany return and there is again emphasis on comedy.
Lets start with the good things. 'Seed of Chucky' looks great. It is filmed with a lot of atmosphere, has a suitably eerie look and the special effects are nothing short of terrific. The music score is one of the best of the series, its hauntingly ominous sounds not easy to forget in the long run. Tiffany steals the show here pretty much, being both amusing and creepy, and Jennifer Tilly does have a ball playing her, wisely not taking it too seriously. Brad Dourif is still deliciously malevolent as Chucky, though he should have had more to do.
While not near as fresh or witty as the humour in 'Bride of Chucky', there are some darkly funny parts and lines. The parodies and in-jokes need familiarity in order to get them, being familiar with a vast majority of them this was not a problem for me, but some do work. The memorable being a quite hilarious cameo from John Waters. Another scene stealer was Glen/Glenda, hilariously played by Billy Boyd.
'Seed of Chucky' however has a number of serious problems. The story is both daft and lacking oomph, also suffering from trying to cram in too much and struggling to balance it all and properly exploring it. Meaning it all feels muddled and over-stuffed with the Glen/Glenda being particularly over-complicated. With the funny moments, there are moments but it's not consistent. Other parts feel very limp and stale.
Found that the supporting cast on the most part were very bland, with one of the biggest faults of the film being the utterly wretched performance from Redman, out of place and annoying. 'Seed of Chucky' is severely lacking in the horror elements, where there is pretty much no atmosphere or mood. It is more reliant on gore rather than suspense or creepiness, and it is a big problem as it is overused to the point of abuse and too much of it is rather gratuitously tasteless. The kills are neither creative, palm-sweating or nail-biting, instead being predictable, sometimes silly and the overuse and gratuity of the gore hampers them. Don Mancini's directorial ineperience is all over.
Altogether, a lot of serious faults here but there are things that prevent it from being a complete waste of time. 5/10 Bethany Cox
The Chucky/'Child's Play' films are a mixed bag. The best of the series is still the first film followed quite closely by 'Bride of Chucky', enjoyed both immensely while acknowledging their imperfections. Did sort of like the second too while being mixed to indifferent on the third (which gets a lot of dislike but for me it wasn't that bad). 'Seed of Chucky' is a step or two down from 'Bride of Chucky' and my feelings are the same as those for 'Child's Play 3', thinking it was not that bad but didn't do an awful lot for me at the end of the day. Whether it's the worst of the series is debatable, have heard from friends that the films that followed are worse, having said that it is not hard to see why it is one of the lower rated films of the series here and why many dislike it. This is disappointing as this did have potential to be one of the best Chucky/'Child's Play' films if it was as good as 'Bride of Chucky', considering that Chucky and Tiffany return and there is again emphasis on comedy.
Lets start with the good things. 'Seed of Chucky' looks great. It is filmed with a lot of atmosphere, has a suitably eerie look and the special effects are nothing short of terrific. The music score is one of the best of the series, its hauntingly ominous sounds not easy to forget in the long run. Tiffany steals the show here pretty much, being both amusing and creepy, and Jennifer Tilly does have a ball playing her, wisely not taking it too seriously. Brad Dourif is still deliciously malevolent as Chucky, though he should have had more to do.
While not near as fresh or witty as the humour in 'Bride of Chucky', there are some darkly funny parts and lines. The parodies and in-jokes need familiarity in order to get them, being familiar with a vast majority of them this was not a problem for me, but some do work. The memorable being a quite hilarious cameo from John Waters. Another scene stealer was Glen/Glenda, hilariously played by Billy Boyd.
'Seed of Chucky' however has a number of serious problems. The story is both daft and lacking oomph, also suffering from trying to cram in too much and struggling to balance it all and properly exploring it. Meaning it all feels muddled and over-stuffed with the Glen/Glenda being particularly over-complicated. With the funny moments, there are moments but it's not consistent. Other parts feel very limp and stale.
Found that the supporting cast on the most part were very bland, with one of the biggest faults of the film being the utterly wretched performance from Redman, out of place and annoying. 'Seed of Chucky' is severely lacking in the horror elements, where there is pretty much no atmosphere or mood. It is more reliant on gore rather than suspense or creepiness, and it is a big problem as it is overused to the point of abuse and too much of it is rather gratuitously tasteless. The kills are neither creative, palm-sweating or nail-biting, instead being predictable, sometimes silly and the overuse and gratuity of the gore hampers them. Don Mancini's directorial ineperience is all over.
Altogether, a lot of serious faults here but there are things that prevent it from being a complete waste of time. 5/10 Bethany Cox

Chucky gets lucky

Have an appreciation for the horror genre, although there is a preference for other genres. Mainly watched 'Bride of Chucky' having decided to recently watch and review all the films in the 'Child's Play'/Chucky series, having been intrigued for a long time by Chucky the doll's horror icon status, a deserved distinction.
Do feel that the character himself is better than the films, as has been said before. Having said that, enough of the films are watchable and a few are even good. 'Bride of Chucky' is one of the good ones. It is not the very best of the 'Child's Play'/Chucky films, it for me will always be the original. It is though one of the best and one of the franchise's most entertaining. Was expecting it to be really dumb, weird and near-intelligence insulting, as the premise sort of indicated, 'Bride of Chucky' by some miracle managed to be neither.
There are faults in 'Bride of Chucky' but actually there is not an awful lot wrong. The story is extremely lightweight and tends to be predictable and at times contrived. There is occasionally some clunky dialogue and some characters are more interesting than others.
Pacing is not always secure, again with a rushed feel in spots.
However, 'Bride of Chucky' looks slick and suitably ominous and the special effects are far from underwhelming, they blend very well, look eerily life-like and move easily. Quite great in fact. The music fits very well and is suitably haunting. Ronny Yu's direction is suitably colourful and of all the directing jobs for me it is second to the original 'Child's Play' in terms of the most personality and panache.
Chucky's lines are like in the first two films, darkly witty and clever with one-liners that are smart, frighteningly sarcastic and entertainingly twisted. 'Bride of Chucky' is one of the better scripted 'Child's Play'/Chucky films, with its wicked humour, irresistibly entertaining interplay between Chucky and Tiffany and witty classic past and present horror film references. Intimacy has rarely been more hilarious. Some may not like that 'Bride of Chucky' takes more of a wickedly comedic route rather than providing lots of scares, it wasn't a problem for me and that it went that route was what makes it stand out amongst the rest of the 'Child's Play'/Chucky films. Like the first 'Child's Play', it mostly avoided going the cheesy, goofy and formulaic route that it could easily have done considering the premise.
'Bride of Chucky' does have some creepiness despite the more comedic tone, with some genuinely unsettling set pieces. Chucky is an ever unforgettable character, the writers, Brad Dourif and the effects team clearly let loose and had a great time. 'Bride of Chucky' is one of the better acted films in the franchise, with appealing performances from John Ritter and Katherine Heigl in a relatively early role.
Even better are the performances for Chucky and Tiffany. Am not usually the biggest fan of Jennifer Tilly, but she is hard to resist here and matches Dourif's Chucky in the darkly wise-cracking stakes. The biggest acting plus though once again is Dourif, again personifying malevolence and is also wickedly funny.
Overall, well worth watching and one of the best in the series. 7/10 Bethany Cox
Do feel that the character himself is better than the films, as has been said before. Having said that, enough of the films are watchable and a few are even good. 'Bride of Chucky' is one of the good ones. It is not the very best of the 'Child's Play'/Chucky films, it for me will always be the original. It is though one of the best and one of the franchise's most entertaining. Was expecting it to be really dumb, weird and near-intelligence insulting, as the premise sort of indicated, 'Bride of Chucky' by some miracle managed to be neither.
There are faults in 'Bride of Chucky' but actually there is not an awful lot wrong. The story is extremely lightweight and tends to be predictable and at times contrived. There is occasionally some clunky dialogue and some characters are more interesting than others.
Pacing is not always secure, again with a rushed feel in spots.
However, 'Bride of Chucky' looks slick and suitably ominous and the special effects are far from underwhelming, they blend very well, look eerily life-like and move easily. Quite great in fact. The music fits very well and is suitably haunting. Ronny Yu's direction is suitably colourful and of all the directing jobs for me it is second to the original 'Child's Play' in terms of the most personality and panache.
Chucky's lines are like in the first two films, darkly witty and clever with one-liners that are smart, frighteningly sarcastic and entertainingly twisted. 'Bride of Chucky' is one of the better scripted 'Child's Play'/Chucky films, with its wicked humour, irresistibly entertaining interplay between Chucky and Tiffany and witty classic past and present horror film references. Intimacy has rarely been more hilarious. Some may not like that 'Bride of Chucky' takes more of a wickedly comedic route rather than providing lots of scares, it wasn't a problem for me and that it went that route was what makes it stand out amongst the rest of the 'Child's Play'/Chucky films. Like the first 'Child's Play', it mostly avoided going the cheesy, goofy and formulaic route that it could easily have done considering the premise.
'Bride of Chucky' does have some creepiness despite the more comedic tone, with some genuinely unsettling set pieces. Chucky is an ever unforgettable character, the writers, Brad Dourif and the effects team clearly let loose and had a great time. 'Bride of Chucky' is one of the better acted films in the franchise, with appealing performances from John Ritter and Katherine Heigl in a relatively early role.
Even better are the performances for Chucky and Tiffany. Am not usually the biggest fan of Jennifer Tilly, but she is hard to resist here and matches Dourif's Chucky in the darkly wise-cracking stakes. The biggest acting plus though once again is Dourif, again personifying malevolence and is also wickedly funny.
Overall, well worth watching and one of the best in the series. 7/10 Bethany Cox

Chucky comes stalking

While it is not my favourite genre, there is an appreciation for the horror genre. Mainly watched 'Child's Play 3' having decided to recently watch and review all the films in the 'Child's Play'/Chucky series, having been intrigued for a long time by Chucky's horror icon status, a deserved distinction.
Do feel that the character himself is better than the films. The 'Child's Play'/Chucky films are very variable, with the first film being by far the best. None of the sequels are as good, though don't consider them unwatchable. 'Child's Play 3' has been deemed one of the, sometimes the, worst in the series. For me it is definitely the worst of the initial trilogy and although the title for worst is debatable it is a lesser one to me.
There are faults in 'Child's Play 3'. The story is predictable with no originality and too much of it is complete nonsense. Aside from with Chucky, the dialogue is really cheesy and with two exceptions the acting is lacking, Justin Whalin being especially annoying. The romance was a pointless distraction, there seemingly to pad out time, and a few of the characters behave idiotically.
Like the second film there is a rushed feel here, there is a sense of a relatively tight budget (although the film looks good still) and even tighter time constraints. Also felt that whereas the first 'Child's Play' avoided going the cheesy, goofy and formulaic route that it could easily have done considering the premise, 'Child's Play 3' did feel formulaic and too much of it failed to escape the unintentionally.
However, 'Child's Play 3' looks slick and suitably ominous and the special effects don't disappoint, they blend very well, look eerily life-like and move easily. The music is more ambitious and even more haunting here, it fits very well. While lacking the panache of Tom Holland's in the first 'Child's Play', John Lafia's direction is more than competent. Chucky's lines are like in the first two films, darkly witty and clever with one-liners that are smart, frighteningly sarcastic and entertainingly twisted. In terms of individual scenes, the climax comes off best, being a lot of fun
'Child's Play 3' does have entertainment value and some creepiness, with the attack scenes/kills and set pieces being creative and genuinely unsettling. Chucky is a character impossible to forget, the writers and effects team had the time of their lives clearly (as well as Brad Dourif of course). Wasn't crazy about the acting here, but will say that Andrew Robinson has an unsettling ball as his character. The biggest acting plus though, like the previous two films, is Dourif, the personification of malevolence and is also wickedly funny.
In conclusion, watchable but not great by any stretch. 5/10 Bethany Cox
Do feel that the character himself is better than the films. The 'Child's Play'/Chucky films are very variable, with the first film being by far the best. None of the sequels are as good, though don't consider them unwatchable. 'Child's Play 3' has been deemed one of the, sometimes the, worst in the series. For me it is definitely the worst of the initial trilogy and although the title for worst is debatable it is a lesser one to me.
There are faults in 'Child's Play 3'. The story is predictable with no originality and too much of it is complete nonsense. Aside from with Chucky, the dialogue is really cheesy and with two exceptions the acting is lacking, Justin Whalin being especially annoying. The romance was a pointless distraction, there seemingly to pad out time, and a few of the characters behave idiotically.
Like the second film there is a rushed feel here, there is a sense of a relatively tight budget (although the film looks good still) and even tighter time constraints. Also felt that whereas the first 'Child's Play' avoided going the cheesy, goofy and formulaic route that it could easily have done considering the premise, 'Child's Play 3' did feel formulaic and too much of it failed to escape the unintentionally.
However, 'Child's Play 3' looks slick and suitably ominous and the special effects don't disappoint, they blend very well, look eerily life-like and move easily. The music is more ambitious and even more haunting here, it fits very well. While lacking the panache of Tom Holland's in the first 'Child's Play', John Lafia's direction is more than competent. Chucky's lines are like in the first two films, darkly witty and clever with one-liners that are smart, frighteningly sarcastic and entertainingly twisted. In terms of individual scenes, the climax comes off best, being a lot of fun
'Child's Play 3' does have entertainment value and some creepiness, with the attack scenes/kills and set pieces being creative and genuinely unsettling. Chucky is a character impossible to forget, the writers and effects team had the time of their lives clearly (as well as Brad Dourif of course). Wasn't crazy about the acting here, but will say that Andrew Robinson has an unsettling ball as his character. The biggest acting plus though, like the previous two films, is Dourif, the personification of malevolence and is also wickedly funny.
In conclusion, watchable but not great by any stretch. 5/10 Bethany Cox

Chucky's back

Saw 'Child's Play 2' as someone who appreciates horror while not considering it my favourite genre. Decided to recently watch and review all the films in the 'Child's Play'/Chucky series, having been intrigued for a long time by Chucky's horror icon status. A distinction that he does deserve.
A strong example of a character being better than the films. The 'Child's Play'/Chucky films are very variable, with the first film being by far the best. None of the sequels are as good, but 'Child's Play 2' is one of the better and more watchable ones. Again this is not being seen through nostalgic lenses, all the 'Child's Play'/Chucky films were seen very recently, with being busy and having a long to watch and review list that is gradually being worked through but getting longer it just took me a while to get round to them.
There are faults in 'Child's Play 2'. The story is predictable, due to being basically a retread of that of the first, can be silly and occasionally mean-spirited.
While getting to the point quicker than the first film and faster paced, there is a rushed feel here. Also felt that whereas the first 'Child's Play' avoided going the cheesy, goofy and formulaic route that it could easily have done considering the premise, 'Child's Play 2' did feel formulaic and didn't completely escape the unintentionally silly trap.
However, 'Child's Play 2' looks slick and suitably ominous, with even better photography and the special effects don't disappoint, they blend very well, look eerily life-like and move easily. Another standout in this regard is the genuinely eerie toy factory setting. The music is more ambitious and even more haunting here, it fits very well. While lacking the panache of Tom Holland's in the first 'Child's Play', John Lafia's direction is more than competent. The script is like the first 'Child's Play', darkly witty and clever with one-liners that are smart, frighteningly sarcastic and entertainingly twisted. There are two particularly great sequences in 'Child's Play 2', the garden burial of Chucky's replacement and especially the climax, the eeriness of the setting helps, that is clearly indebted to 'The Shining'.
'Child's Play 2' is entertaining and is also creepy, with the attack scenes/kills and set pieces being creative and genuinely unsettling. Chucky is a character impossible to forget, the writers and effects team had the time of their lives clearly (as well as Brad Dourif of course). The other characters were ones worth caring for while Alex Vincent's acting has vastly improved here. Jenny Agutter is lovely as ever. The biggest acting plus though is Dourif, the personification of malevolence and is also wickedly funny. Christine Elise's heartfelt performance is a close second.
In conclusion, inferior but one of the better sequels and films in the series. 6/10 Bethany Cox
A strong example of a character being better than the films. The 'Child's Play'/Chucky films are very variable, with the first film being by far the best. None of the sequels are as good, but 'Child's Play 2' is one of the better and more watchable ones. Again this is not being seen through nostalgic lenses, all the 'Child's Play'/Chucky films were seen very recently, with being busy and having a long to watch and review list that is gradually being worked through but getting longer it just took me a while to get round to them.
There are faults in 'Child's Play 2'. The story is predictable, due to being basically a retread of that of the first, can be silly and occasionally mean-spirited.
While getting to the point quicker than the first film and faster paced, there is a rushed feel here. Also felt that whereas the first 'Child's Play' avoided going the cheesy, goofy and formulaic route that it could easily have done considering the premise, 'Child's Play 2' did feel formulaic and didn't completely escape the unintentionally silly trap.
However, 'Child's Play 2' looks slick and suitably ominous, with even better photography and the special effects don't disappoint, they blend very well, look eerily life-like and move easily. Another standout in this regard is the genuinely eerie toy factory setting. The music is more ambitious and even more haunting here, it fits very well. While lacking the panache of Tom Holland's in the first 'Child's Play', John Lafia's direction is more than competent. The script is like the first 'Child's Play', darkly witty and clever with one-liners that are smart, frighteningly sarcastic and entertainingly twisted. There are two particularly great sequences in 'Child's Play 2', the garden burial of Chucky's replacement and especially the climax, the eeriness of the setting helps, that is clearly indebted to 'The Shining'.
'Child's Play 2' is entertaining and is also creepy, with the attack scenes/kills and set pieces being creative and genuinely unsettling. Chucky is a character impossible to forget, the writers and effects team had the time of their lives clearly (as well as Brad Dourif of course). The other characters were ones worth caring for while Alex Vincent's acting has vastly improved here. Jenny Agutter is lovely as ever. The biggest acting plus though is Dourif, the personification of malevolence and is also wickedly funny. Christine Elise's heartfelt performance is a close second.
In conclusion, inferior but one of the better sequels and films in the series. 6/10 Bethany Cox