First Appearance: The Flash #110
Best Writer: Geoff Johns
Best Artist: Scott Kolins
23. The Flash (Wally West)

8 The Flash (Barry Allen)

Barry Allen's debut in 1956 is credited with kicking off the Silver Age of comics. Barry assumed the mantle of the Flash from Golden Age hero Jay Garrick. He quickly proved to be one of the most popular of DC's new wave of heroes thanks to his almost limitless speed powers, his colorful adventures across time and space, and his neverending struggle to balance his superhero antics with his professional and personal lives. Despite his incredible speed, Barry always has a reputation for being late. Barry was killed off in the 1986 story Crisis on Infinite Earths, casting a long shadow on the rest of the DCU in the process. But he's since returned and taken up the mantle of the Flash all over again, as well as become a core pillar of both the Arrowverse and DCEU. ([Link removed - login to see])

10 Aquaman

Aquaman used to be the butt of pop culture jokes thanks to his portrayal on the Super Friends cartoons and its various spinoffs. Now he's the star of one of the biggest superhero blockbusters ever. But as many fans will tell you, Aquaman was always cool. He's not only as strong and capable in battle as anyone who swims miles under the surface of the ocean would need to be, he's the leader of the vast underwater kingdom of Atlantis. Aquaman's core appeal lies in the fact that his loyalties are constantly tested. Does he side with the surface world, where he was raised, or with his people in Atlantis? ([Link removed - login to see])

51. Green Arrow

First Appearance: More Fun Comics #73
Best Writer: Andy Diggle
Best Artist: Jock
Best Writer: Andy Diggle
Best Artist: Jock

27. Swamp Thing

First Appearance: House of Secrets #92
Best Writer: Alan Moore
Best Artist: Stephen Bissette
Best Writer: Alan Moore
Best Artist: Stephen Bissette

13 Martian Manhunter

As tragic as Superman's origin is, at least he was just a baby when he was sent rocketing away from his doomed world. J'onn J'onzz had to watch his family, his people, and his entire Martian culture burn down before his eyes. But rather than wallowing in misery to the end of his days, the Martian Manhunter made a second home on Earth. He's found plenty in human culture worth fighting for, including his favorite delicacy - Choco cookies. And with his Superman-level abilities, he's a force to be reckoned with. J'onn has been a recurring member of the Justice League in the comics and animated series, and we imagine it's only a matter of time before he appears on the big screen as well. ([Link removed - login to see])

14 Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)

Comic book fans tend to stick to what they know, and it's always difficult to replace a familiar hero with a newbie character. But Kyle Rayner beat the odds. Kyle was introduced as the new Green Lantern after Hal Jordan went insane and all but destroyed the Corps. In terms of personality and temperament, Kyle couldn't have been more different from Hal. But he thrived in the role and became the Green Lantern for a full decade. Even though Hal has been redeemed and returned to duty, Kyle remains an active hero and one of the few deemed worthy enough to wield a White Lantern ring. ([Link removed - login to see])

13. John Constantine

First Appearance: The Saga of the Swamp Thing #37
Best Writer: Garth Ennis
Best Artist: Steve Dillon
Best Writer: Garth Ennis
Best Artist: Steve Dillon

19 Booster Gold

When you're a washed-up athlete in a world full of futuristic technology, how do you recapture that lost glory? Why, by stealing a bunch of gear and traveling back in time to present yourself as the world's greatest superhero, of course. Folks in the present day DC Universe don't tend to see Booster Gold as the great hero he imagines himself to be. He's more of a running joke. But he perseveres, and over the years he's proven that he really does have the right stuff. The combination of goofball humor and time travel antics always make Booster's misadventures fun to follow. ([Link removed - login to see])

20 Jonah Hex

Jonah Hex isn't the only cowboy hero at DC by any stretch, but he's remained the most popular since his introduction in 1972. Maybe it's his distinctive, scarred visage or his gruff, anti-hero personality. Maybe it's the fact that he's a very versatile hero, starring in colorful supernatural adventures as readily as straightforward, gritty Wild West tales. We've even seen him interact with some familiar, modern day DC faces in both the comics and DC's Legends of Tomorrow. This versatility will ensure that Hex endures, even if his movie career isn't looking so hot. ([Link removed - login to see])