19. THE PUNISHER (Spider-Man / The Punisher)
Yet another Marvel character who started off as a villain â notably a Spider-Man villain (although he was more of a goon when he first cameoed in Amazing Spider-Man) â before graduating to his own title and anti-hero status. The Punisher is now one of the most iconic” read more
“First Appearance: Captain America Comics #1Best Writer: Ed BrubakerBest Artist: Jack Kirby
” read more
“AKA: GRENDELThe original and best in Matt Wagner's long-running series of masked anti-heroes, Hunter Rose was a young genius gifted with extraordinary physical and mental prowess and just a little too much time to spare. Finding that excellence breeds boredom if not channelled correctly, Rose set ab” read more
“More fun than lead character Asterix, almost as cute as his pet Dogmatix, and the comic engine for the entire series, Obelix is arguably the best reason to love the French â yes, right up there with the wine, the cheeses, and GĂ©rard Depardieu (who, not coincidentally, has also played him onscre” read more
“Powers is a police drama â loosely modelled on Homicide: Life On The Street â set in a world with superheroes and villains, and Deena is the rookie partner of former immortal hero turned homicide cop Christian Walker. Formerly partnered with crooked Captain Adlard, Deena is now tagging along w” read more
“The second most iconic 2000 AD character after Judge Dredd himself, Johnny Alpha was the poster child for Strontium Dog, an extremely popular series about a group of mutant bounty hunters. Although originating in Starlord, Strontium Dog switched to 2000 AD after the former's closure and soon became ” read more
“Ben Edlund was just 18 â the bastard â when he came up with The Tick, a character that may be, quite simply, the funniest superhero spoof of all time. Blessed with a fantastic supporting cast of outlandishly-named nemeses â Chairface Chippendale, take a bow â and self-involved allies, from ” read more
Predictable, but it is a sweet and fun movie
“I don't think The Mighty Ducks is a masterpiece in any shape or form, but it is an enjoyable film. I do agree that it is predictable, the plot is nothing particularly special and the ending especially doesn't really hold any surprises. But it is nicely filmed, with evergreen cinematography and prett” read more
Not bad, but inferior to the first
“I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the first movie. It was not without sentiment and it was hardly original, but it was still beautifully filmed, well acted, charming and funny. This sequel is not as good as the first I agree, but I still quite enjoyed it. The story is predictable, and there are ” read more
“I love My Girl, it is very charming and poignant, and as far as sequels go, My Girl 2 is good but not great. It is disappointing compared to My Girl, but it was decent and could have been a lot worse. The script does fall into cheese occasionally, the story is predictable, some of the direction lack” read more
Terrific and very entertaining
“I really like this movie and the sequel, this one being the better movie. The third act is silly perhaps, and the crime subplot could have been a little better handled. However, a lot of things make this movie terrific and very entertaining.
I just love the songs, they are so upbeat and jo” read more
The film really soars when Keiko is on screen...
“This is a perfect example of a family film that knows exactly what it's doing. While a little too clichĂ©d and some of the villainy is a tad overdone, Free Willy is still very entertaining and touching. The cinematography is lovely and the scenery is beautiful, but the combining of animatronic shots” read more
A winner of a family film- Casper is so cute!
“I really liked this movie, I seriously don't get the low rating. It is a most enjoyable family film, that is really sweet. My only complaints are one or two dull spots in the script and plot(primarily in the middle) and I didn't feel as though the direction was as good as it could have been. The spe” read more
Mediocre, but I have seen much worse
“I have seen much worse movies, and Casper:A Spirited Beginning is worse in my opinion than Casper Meets Wendy. Casper Meets Wendy in my opinion is not a good movie, more mediocre for my tastes, but it could have been much worse.PROS: The costume and set design is excellent and the film's photography” read more
“First Appearance: Albedo Anthropomorphics #2Best Writer & Artist: Stan Sakai
” read more
“First Appearance: Action Comics #23Best Writer: Brian AzzarelloBest Artist: Frank Quitely
” read more
“First Appearance: Dime Press #4Best Writer & Artist: Mike Mignola
” read more
36. AGENT GRAVES (100 Bullets)
“AKA: PHILLIP GRAVESApart from being the coolest cat on several continents, Agent Graves also serves as the harbinger of moral dilemma. Appearing as the protagonist of Brian Azzarello's 100 Bullets, Graves offers those who have been wronged the chance for revenge without consequences, if only they'r” read more
“First Appearance: Daredevil #1Best Writer: Frank MillerBest Artist: Bill Sienkiewicz
” read more
Canadian artist Dave Sim, an outspoken proponent for the creative rights of comic book creators, a frequent marijuana (and occasional LSD) user and the man responsible for creating the longest-running, single-creative-team-driven series in comic-book history, is t” read more
39. THE MEKON (Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future)
“Take that, Dan Dare. You may be the one who gets to save mankind all the time, but it's your arch-enemy, the mega-meloned Mekon who makes our list! As created by Frank Hampson in the pages of venerable British comic The Eagle, The Mighty Mekon of Mekonta is an emotion-free genius, always coming up ” read more
“First Appearance:Â Scott Pilgrimâs Precious Little LifeBest Writer & Artist:Â Bryan Lee OâMalley
” read more
43. ASTRO BOY (Ambassador Atom)
“AKA: TETSUWAN ATOMOA perky, atomic-powered robot created by Dr Tenma (translated as Professor Boyton or Professor Balfus) to replace his deceased son, Tetsuwan Atomo (Astro Boy) proved unsatisfactory and was sold to a circus â but emerged as a long-running hero working for the Ministry of Science.” read more
“Born on January 1, 1900, Sparks died exactly a hundred years later â though she stopped ageing in her early twenties because she was mostly made of electricity, the motive force of the 20th century. Though she was introduced as a new recruit to fairly conventional superhero team Stormwatch, she be” read more
“First Appearance: New Mutants #98Best Writer: Fabian Nicieza/Joe KellyBest Artist: Ed McGuinness
” read more
46. J. JONAH JAMESON (Spider-Man)
“Throughout his career, Spider-Man's major nemesis has not been Dr Octopus, the Green Goblin, the Kingpin or any other conventional super-foe, but J. Jonah Jameson, editor-publisher of the New York Daily Bugle â a newspaper which has run a campaign against Spider-Man (and other masked vigilantes) t” read more
“Technically this is clearly two characters, but how could we separate comics' most significant out-and-proud couple? In the often simplistically macho world of superheroes, these two were introduced as an off-kilter Superman and Batman into Warren Ellis' excellent Stormwatch series, but after a se” read more